Cambridge International School ID247

Darul Hikam Integrated School Primary (DHIS Primary)

Culture of  Akhlaq and Achievement

7 Taqwa Character Building of Darul Hikam

Sincerety - Patience - Trustworthy - Discipline  - Caring - Intelligence - Ihsan

About Us

Darul Hikam Integrated School – Primary is part of Darul Hikam Foundation, located in Bandung, West Java. It was established in 2007 to respond the need of society to get international education standard within Islamic Atmosphere with English as the main instructional language and was the first Islamic international school in Bandung.

More About Us

About Us

Darul Hikam Integrated School – Primary is part of Darul Hikam Foundation, located in Bandung, West Java. It was established in 2007 to respond the need of society to get international education standard within Islamic Atmosphere with English as the main instructional language and was the first Islamic international school in Bandung.

Our Program

The basic curriculum of Darul Hikam Integrated School -Primary- is Special Curriculum of Darul Hikam (Kurikulum Khas Darul Hikam). It consists of Islamic characters based on Al Quran and Hadist. For teaching and learning process, it has a special program called Taqwa Character Building (TCB) and 10 Special Characters of Darul Hikam (10 Budaya Berakhlak Berprestasi).


Special Curriculum of Darul Hikam

Concept of islamic education integrated with islamic values in all subjects.


Combined Curriculum

National curriculum and international curriculum (Cambridge curriculum).


Supported Curriculum

Student character development program (soft skill development through extracurricular activity).

Our Program

The basic curriculum of Darul Hikam Integrated School -Primary- is Special Curriculum of Darul Hikam (Kurikulum Khas Darul Hikam). It consists of Islamic characters based on Al Quran and Hadist. For teaching and learning process, it has a special program called Taqwa Character Building (TCB) and 10 Special Characters of Darul Hikam (10 Budaya Berakhlak Berprestasi).


Special Curriculum of Darul Hikam

Concept of islamic education integrated with islamic values in all subjects.


Combined Curriculum

National curriculum and international curriculum (Cambridge curriculum).


Supported Curriculum

Student character development program (soft skill development through extracurricular activity).

Our Vision, Mission, and Values


Accomplishing a generation with good akhlak and high achievements, with a global competitiveness through integrated Islamic education in STEM learning and English communication.

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Develop a generation with good akhlak and high achievements with global competitiveness through a meaningful learning process and student development.

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Taqwa Character Building and The 10 Akhlaq and Prestigious of Darul Hikam.

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Our Campus Location

  • DHIS Primary Lower Level Building

    Located on Jalan Brigjen Katamso no 7.

    Lower level (Primary 1 until Primary 4)

  • DHIS Primary Upper Level Building

    Located on Jalan Supratman no 88. 

    Upper level (Primary 5 until Primary 6)

  • DHIS Primary Buah Batu Campus

    Located on Jalan Guntursari Wetan no 12. 

    All levels (Primary 1 until Primary 6)

Latest News and Articles

By Yuliawaty, M.Pd. March 4, 2025
On this holy month of Ramadan, DHIS Primary have various Ramadan Activities to celebrate the holy Ramadan : Infaq Ramadan, the students collect Infaq during ramadan to raise the social awareness and to share with others who are in need. Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah, the students do the education of zakat, infaq and shadaqah, so they can implement the pillars of Islam in daily life and also learn the ijab qabul du’a during zakat, infaq and shadaqah. Barbekua (Barang Bekas Berkualitas), the students donate their used goods with good quality like clothes, toys , books etc, to share with the community around the school. Iftar Jama’i with Yatim, the students will invite the Rumah Yatim children to come to school and break the fasting together. This activity will raise the social awareness of the students. Ramadan Competition, where the students will compete on various competition in each level and learn more about Islamic knowledge and ibadah during ramadan. Stay tune and wait for the updates our social media. Ramadan Mubarak to all of DHIS Primary Family. On this blessed month, let us do joyful Ramadan and be useful for people around us also do good deeds during this holy month.
By Yuliawaty, M.Pd. February 13, 2025
SAP or Students Attachment Program is a program conducted in Darul Hikam Integrated School Primary to build strong relationship and cooperation between internal students and students from abroad. In the academic year 2024-2025, the students of Primary 5 were able to go to Malaysia and Singapore to visit some schools and do some amazing activities such as cultural exchange, school tours and of course sit-in program. They stayed in both countries for 8 days with 4 days on each country started from 2 nd -9 th February 2025. Besides visiting the school, they also visited some historical buildings, landmarks, and educational center. Exploring Malaysia The students’ first destination during this program is Malaysia. Primary 5 students visited Al Khair Integrated School and Alhamra Integrated School. In both of the school, the students do the school tour, cultural exchange and sit-in program. For the school tour, the students not only explored the facility there, but also visited some classes and got introduced to the students from level 1 until level 6. They were really friendly and welcomed us warmly. On the same day, we got some cultural exchange. They sang and danced some traditional songs from Malaysia. The same with us. Our students performed “Yamko Rambe Yamko”. They were really curious about our cultures as well. On the second day of the visit, we did a sit-in program. In this program the students from DHIS Primary learned together in the same class with the local students. They learned some lessons and made a lot of friends. While on the last day, we had a sport activities together. Besides visiting the schools, the students also had some city tour. They visited the landmarks of Malaysia like Dataran Merdeka, Istana Negara, The Petronas Twin Tower, Putrajaya Complex, and Pink Mosque. They also visited the science centre there which is Petrosains and explored a lot of science experiments. Exploring Singapore On the fourth day, the students flew to Singapore to continued their journey. In Singapore, Primary 5 students visited Madrasah Wak Tanjong Islamiyah School. The students also had a lot of great experiences by having school tour, cultural exchange and sit-in program, just what they did in Malaysia, but of course with different students, cultures and vibes. Besides that, the students also had a memorable experiences by exploring the biggest mosque in Singapore which is Mesjid Sultan. They learned how Islam and Moslem people took a big role in Singaporean cultures which is dominated by Chinese and christian cultures. To satisfy their eagerness of exploring new places, they also spent lot of happy time at Universal Studios Singapore and Garden by the Bay. The students really made a great memories and learned a lot of new things and experiences. They were able to see and experience by themselves, how people live their lives in other countries. Not only about the educational system, but also the social interaction and rules in public places. Hopefully they can get new insight and able to take the good things to be implemented at our school, DHIS Primary.
By Elis Kalisma Detik, S.Pd. February 4, 2025
Isra Miraj is a significant event in Islamic history, and to celebrate it, Darul Hikam Integrated School Primary held a meaningful event. Three storytellers were invited to play exciting puppet shows in three campus, Lower Level Campus (Katamso), Upper Level Campus (Supratman) and Buah Batu Campus. Immersive and engaging storytelling sessions on Isra Miraj were conducted, making it interesting and comprehensible for the students. This event was held on 22nd January 2025 and was designed to enhance students' knowledge and understanding of Isra Miraj and its importance in Islamic teachings. Through it, Allah also wanted to remind them to perform salah (prayers) in accordance with his commandment that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wassalam during the sacred journey. Using interactive and creative storytelling, students were encouraged to reflect on the lessons learned from this momentous occasion. Primary 1 students, Raffasya Syafiq and Sayaka were excited about the celebration. They said they enjoyed it and found the event to be exciting. However, the puppet show was not just fun, it was something they would remember, a wonderful way to learn a significant part of their religion.
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