Darul Hikam Integrated School – Primary is part of Darul Hikam Foundation, located in Bandung, West Java. It was established in 2007 to respond the need of society to get international education standard within Islamic Atmosphere with English as the main instructional language and was the first Islamic international school in Bandung.
Darul Hikam Integrated School – Primary is part of Darul Hikam Foundation, located in Bandung, West Java. It was established in 2007 to respond the need of society to get international education standard within Islamic Atmosphere with English as the main instructional language and was the first Islamic international school in Bandung.
The basic curriculum of Darul Hikam Integrated School -Primary- is Special Curriculum of Darul Hikam (Kurikulum Khas Darul Hikam). It consists of Islamic characters based on Al Quran and Hadist. For teaching and learning process, it has a special program called Taqwa Character Building (TCB) and 10 Special Characters of Darul Hikam (10 Budaya Berakhlak Berprestasi).
Concept of islamic education integrated with islamic values in all subjects.
National curriculum and international curriculum (Cambridge curriculum).
Student character development program (soft skill development through extracurricular activity).
The basic curriculum of Darul Hikam Integrated School -Primary- is Special Curriculum of Darul Hikam (Kurikulum Khas Darul Hikam). It consists of Islamic characters based on Al Quran and Hadist. For teaching and learning process, it has a special program called Taqwa Character Building (TCB) and 10 Special Characters of Darul Hikam (10 Budaya Berakhlak Berprestasi).
Concept of islamic education integrated with islamic values in all subjects.
National curriculum and international curriculum (Cambridge curriculum).
Student character development program (soft skill development through extracurricular activity).
Accomplishing a generation with good akhlak and high achievements, with a global competitiveness through integrated Islamic education in STEM learning and English communication.
Develop a generation with good akhlak and high achievements with global competitiveness through a meaningful learning process and student development.
Taqwa Character Building and The 10 Akhlaq and Prestigious of Darul Hikam.
Located on Jalan Brigjen Katamso no 7.
Lower level (Primary 1 until Primary 4)
Located on Jalan Supratman no 88.
Upper level (Primary 5 until Primary 6)
Located on Jalan Guntursari Wetan no 12.
All levels (Primary 1 until Primary 6)